Monday, April 17, 2017

Favorite new Apps Chart 4/18

Overall I did enjoy this project, it was easy to finish and was very relevant to the class and it could also be beneficial for students to find apps that they can download on their phone that they would enjoy. I would recommend that following classes do this project for the previous reasons and they might find an app that they will like.

Name of APP
Name of Student Presenter
What you found interesting about the APP
How will you use the APP?
Smart Tools
All of the different tools that you can use your phone for.
If I have a project around the house and I don't want to go get a level or one of the other tools.
My Fitness Pal
All of the different workouts and the meal plans that you can do to benefit your health. 
I could use it to make sure I am eating right and doing the right workouts to benefit my health.
That you can get food from a lot of places delivered to you.
When you have a party or a gathering and you dont want to deal with getting food 
You can get a new keyboard that isn't the plain white one 
So I can make the Keyboard on my phone look cool 
How you can get answers for your Homework.
To help me with homework that I don't know how to do.

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